This post is all about the benefits of walking daily
My favorite thing about the weather changing is that I can be outside more. It is also one reason why I love Colorado, you are encouraged to be outside. Besides dealing with seasonal depression, I also hate sitting around all day. So when we finally have warm weather I no longer feel trapped.
This also means that while I love going to the gym, I prefer to be outside exercising. When I was younger I would ride my bike around the neighborhood for hours. That changed once we moved. My family was living in an area with lots of traffic and no bike lanes. This was when I switched to walking around the neighborhood for exercise.
Over time I have learned that there are so many benefits to walking daily.
Here are some of the benefits of walking daily.
It is an easy way to stay fit or lose weight
I start with this benefit because it is one so many people are focused on. There is this belief that workouts need to be hard to see any progress. But that is not true!
Studies have shown that exercising for 30 minutes 3 -5 times a week will provide benefits.
That means you don’t have to do any crazy workouts to see results. Walking is a great low impact option. It gets your heart rate up without much effort. And the chances of injuries to your joints are minimal.
You can adjust the intensity or length of your workout
This is what I loved most about walking. I could fit it in with my schedule. There were days when the weather was so nice I would be out walking for 2 hours. But sometimes I only had time for a 20 minute workout. On those days it was easy to put on shoes and walk out my door. It made me feel like I was taking care of my body without a large commitment on my part.
The same is true for the intensity of the workout. I still could get exercise on days when I felt tired or had little motivation. But it was also easy to increase the intensity of my workout if I needed more.
Here are some tips for making your walks harder:
- Change up your route. Your muscles will get used to the routes you do all the time. Change it up to give your muscles, and yourself, some excitement. Add routes with hills for more resistance.
- Add weights. You can go as light or heavy as you want. Carry a water bottle or two pound weights. They also make wrist and ankle weights for things like pilates, but they are also great for walks. If you want to go super extreme, get yourself a weighted vest.
- Walk on different surfaces. Gravel is much different than walking on pavement. Sand is great in the summer for a harder workout because it provides more resistance.
Walking is great for your mental health
Daily walks were my self-care time. It was when I put on my headphones and processed everything that went on during the day. They were what I looked forward to when I got home from work.
Walks are great me time. If you don’t want to listen to music, audiobooks and podcasts are also great options. Or you can just enjoy the sounds of nature.
Walking is like every other exercise, it releases endorphins in your brain. Also known as the happy chemical. It helps you relax and bring down your stress levels. It is a great way to end a chaotic day. Or if you are a morning person, a great way to start your day on a happy note.
Doesn’t cost anything
The best part about daily walks, it doesn’t cost anything!
The only time you need to spend money is if you need walking shoes. And those are all up to personal preference. I have a pair of Brooks Glycerin and love them. But even a pair of Converse will do.
Don’t feel the need to spend money on a pair of shoes, headphones, or even a water bottle. Start with what you have. Over time if you continue to walk you might consider a pair of shoes that better support your foot. But know that everything is optional.
You can do it anywhere
This is great if you are someone who travels a lot. There is always a place to walk. and if it is rainy, it is easy to find a treadmill or indoor track to walk. Or you can be that person who walks laps at the mall. I saw a TikTok of a girl who ran laps in the airport while waiting to board!
It is also a great excuse to start exploring more because you can do it anywhere. Walk around downtown, go visit a city you have been wanting to explore, or even that gorgeous neighborhood you wished you lived in.
There are so many benefits to walking daily
I love going on my daily walks. And you don’t need to do them alone. When the weather is nice, my roommate and I love to go on walks together after work. It is such a great way to take care of your body without feeling overwhelmed by the need to exercise.
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